- 日期:写在日记的第一行,通常按照“月/日/年”的顺序来写。例如:”September 1, 2023”。
- 星期:紧跟在日期后面,用英文写出星期几。例如:”Monday”。
- 天气:简单描述当天的天气情况,如:”Sunny”, “Rainy”, “Cloudy”等。
- 正文:这是日记的主体部分,记录当天发生的事情或者自己的感受。注意使用第一人称“I”进行叙述,并且尽量使用过去时态来描述已经发生的事情。
Date: September 1, 2023
Day: Monday
Weather: Sunny
Today was a very happy day for me because I got the first place in the school’s English writing competition. My teacher praised me a lot in class and gave me a book as a reward. After school, my friends and I went to the park to celebrate. We had so much fun playing games and talking about our future plans. When I came back home, I felt tired but satisfied. I think it is important to set goals and work hard towards them. Tomorrow I will start preparing for the next competition!