- 日期:通常位于页面顶部中央或左上角。按照“星期, 月份 日, 年份”的顺序书写。例如:“Monday, March 5th, 2023”。
- 天气情况(可选):紧随日期之后,简短描述当天的天气状况。如:“Sunny”、“Rainy”等。
- 正文:
- 开头部分可以是对当天整体活动的一个概述;
- 接着详细描述具体事件或者个人经历;
- 最后可加入自己对该天发生事情的看法或感想。
- 签名(如果愿意的话):在文章末尾留下自己的名字或者昵称。
Date: Monday, April 10th, 2023
Weather: Overcast but not raining
Today was a bit of a dull day. I woke up early because I had an online class scheduled at 8 AM. The lecture was about English literature which is one of my favorite subjects. After the class ended around noon, I took some time to read through Chapter 5 of our textbook again before moving on to other assignments.
In the afternoon, there wasn’t much planned so I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood just to get some fresh air and clear my mind. It felt good being outside even though it was cloudy. Later in the evening, I watched a movie with my family - we chose “The Shawshank Redemption,” a classic that never gets old. Overall, despite feeling slightly tired from all the studying, it turned out to be quite a pleasant day.
- [Your Name]
!Diary Example