


“兹证明”是中文公文写作中常见的一种表述,用于正式场合下的证明或确认某事项的真实性。在英语环境中,这通常对应于”This is to certify that…“的结构,用以引入报告的正文内容,表明随后所述情况已经过核实并被正式记录。



1. Title

Property Damage Assessment Report

2. Introduction with “This is to certify that”

This is to certify that the information provided herein constitutes an accurate evaluation of the property damage sustained by [Client’s Name] at [Location] on [Date]. The assessment was conducted in accordance with industry standards and guidelines.

3. Main Body Content

  • Details of Incident: Brief description of what occurred, including time, date, and circumstances leading up to the event.
  • Damage Description: A comprehensive list of damages, categorized if possible (e.g., structural, electrical, mechanical).
  • Photographic Evidence: Reference to attached photos or links to digital images showing the extent of the damage.
  • Estimated Repair Costs: Based on current market rates and professional estimates, detail the cost for repairing each item or aspect affected.
  • Recommendations: Provide suggestions for mitigation measures and preventive actions to avoid future incidents.

4. Conclusion

Summarize key findings and reaffirm the validity of the report’s contents. Emphasize any immediate actions required and the importance of timely intervention.

5. Signature & Date

[Your Name]
[Position Title]
[Company Name]
[Contact Information]


  • 客观性:确保所有陈述基于事实,避免主观臆断。
  • 清晰性:语言应简明扼要,逻辑清晰,便于读者理解。
  • 专业性:使用行业术语和标准度量单位,体现专业度。
  • 准确性:数据和引用来源需经过验证,保证报告的可信度。

