
作文题目:My Favorite Animal


My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins are very intelligent and friendly creatures. They live in the ocean and have a streamlined body shape that helps them swim quickly. I admire their ability to communicate with humans and other dolphins using clicks and whistles. Moreover, dolphins are known for their playful nature and often interact with people during boat trips. In addition to being fun to watch, dolphins also play an important role in the ecosystem by helping to keep the population of fish under control. I hope to see more efforts being made to protect these amazing animals so that future generations can also enjoy their beauty and intelligence.  


  1. 开头引入:文章以介绍最喜欢的动物——海豚为开头,直接明确了主题。
  2. 描述特点:详细描述了海豚的智能、友好以及它们在海洋中的生活习性,使用了“intelligent”, “friendly”和“streamlined body shape”等形容词和短语来描绘海豚的特征。
  3. 交流方式:提到了海豚与人类及其他海豚的交流方式,增加了文章的信息量和趣味性。
  4. 生态作用:强调了海豚在生态系统中的重要作用,即帮助控制鱼类数量,显示了作者对生态保护的认识。
  5. 保护呼吁:最后以对未来的期望结束,呼吁更多保护努力,体现了作者的社会责任感。
