

Describe a memorable experience in your life.


One of the most memorable experiences in my life occurred during my first year as an undergraduate. It was a time of profound personal growth and self-discovery, which ultimately shaped the person I am today.

The event took place during a semester break when I decided to volunteer at a local orphanage. This decision stemmed from a desire to give back to the community and to gain a different perspective on life. The orphanage was located in a remote village, far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. The children there were warm and welcoming despite their difficult circumstances.

Every morning, we would start with group exercises designed to boost the children’s physical and mental health. Games like soccer, basketball, and even simple tag brought out their playful spirits and helped foster a sense of camaraderie among them. In the afternoons, we organized educational activities such as storytelling sessions, craft workshops, and basic tutoring. These interactions allowed me to connect deeply with the children, and I found myself looking forward to each day spent with them.

One particular incident stands out vividly in my memory. One child, a shy and reserved boy named Leo, had shown little interest in participating in our activities. After several days of gentle encouragement, he finally opened up about his love for drawing. With some colored pencils and paper provided by the orphanage, Leo began to create beautiful artwork. His talent was undeniable, and watching him come alive through his art was truly inspiring. Encouraged by this newfound passion, Leo started to engage more actively in other activities and even became a role model for the younger children.

This volunteering experience taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, compassion, and the impact of small acts of kindness. It showed me that sometimes, all it takes to make a difference is a willingness to lend a helping hand and an open heart. The friendships I forged and the memories created during that time remain close to my heart, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of giving back and staying connected to one’s community.

In conclusion, my time at the orphanage was not just about providing assistance; it was equally about receiving—receiving joy, wisdom, and a renewed sense of purpose. This experience will forever be etched in my mind as one of the most rewarding chapters of my life.


  1. 审题:首先要仔细读题,确保理解题目要求。本次题目要求描述一个难忘的经历,那么在构思时就要围绕这个主题展开。

  2. 结构清晰:文章通常包括引言、主体和结论三个部分。引言部分简要介绍经历的背景;主体部分详细描述经历的过程和感受;结论部分总结体会和教训。

  3. 细节描写:通过具体的细节来增强文章的真实性和感染力。例如,范文中提到了Leo这个角色以及他的转变过程,使读者能够更生动地感受到作者的经历。

  4. 语言表达:尽量使用多样化的句式和词汇,避免重复和单调。同时,注意语法正确,确保句子通顺流畅。

  5. 情感真挚:真情实感是打动阅卷老师的关键。在写作中融入自己的真实情感,能够让文章更加有说服力和感染力。

  6. 检查修改:完成初稿后,一定要进行反复检查和修改,确保没有语法错误和拼写错误,同时优化文章结构和语言表达。
