1. 信头(Letterhead)
- 公司名称
- 公司地址
- 邮政编码
- 联系电话
- 电子邮箱
- 日期
2. 收件人信息
- 收件人姓名/公司名称
- 收件人职务(可选)
- 收件人地址
- 城市, 州, 邮编
- 国家
3. 称呼
- “Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr. + 姓氏]”,如果是首次接触或正式场合使用全名和头衔;对于熟悉客户可适当简化。
4. 正文
a. 引言段
- 简短问候后直接进入主题,说明写信目的。例如:“I hope this message finds you well.”
b. 主体内容
- 根据具体情况分为几个段落展开讨论,每个段落围绕一个中心思想组织材料。
- 使用专业术语时需确保对方理解无误。
- 保持语气友好而不失尊重。
c. 结尾部分
- 重申主要观点或请求,并提出下一步行动计划。
- 表达对未来合作的期待。
5. 结束语
- 常用的结束语有:“Best regards,” “Sincerely,” “Yours faithfully,” 等。
- 签名上方通常会加上打字的名字以示正式。
6. 附件说明(如有)
- 如果邮件中包含附加文件或其他重要资料,应在邮件末尾注明:“Enclosed please find…”或者“Please see attached…”
John Smith
Purchasing Manager
XYZ Corporation
123 Elm Street
New York, NY 10001
Dear Mr. Smith,
I hope this email reaches you in good health and high spirits. I am writing on behalf of Shanghai ABC Import & Export Co., Ltd. to discuss potential business opportunities between our companies.
As one of China's leading suppliers of [product category], we believe that there may be great synergies between us given your reputation as an influential player within the industry. To give you more insights into our product range and services, we have enclosed our latest catalog along with detailed specifications for your review.
We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit our factory located in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, where you can witness firsthand how we uphold strict quality control standards throughout the manufacturing process. Should you require any further information or wish to arrange a meeting at your convenience, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email.
Looking forward to establishing mutually beneficial relationships with your esteemed company soon.
Best regards,
Shanghai ABC Import & Export Co., Ltd.