

  1. 标题(Subject):
  • 清晰、简洁地描述邮件内容。
  • 使用具体的信息,如“Meeting Request for Next Monday”或“Questions about the Project Proposal”。
  1. 称呼(Salutation):
  • 正式邮件通常使用“Dear [Title] [Last Name],”例如:“Dear Mr. Smith,”或“Dear Dr. Johnson,”。
  • 对不太熟悉的收件人可以使用“To Whom It May Concern,”。
  1. 正文(Body):
  • 开头问候和引入:简短介绍自己和邮件目的。
  • 主体内容:详细说明邮件的核心内容,包括请求、问题或信息分享。
  • 结尾:表达感谢或期待回复,例如“Thank you for your time and consideration.”或“I look forward to hearing from you soon.”
  1. 结束语(Closing):
  • 常用结束语有“Best regards,” “Sincerely,” 或 “Yours faithfully,”。
  1. 签名(Signature):
  • 包括全名、职位、公司名以及联系方式。


Subject: Meeting Request for Next Monday  
Dear Mr. Brown,  
I hope this email finds you well. My name is John Doe, and I am a project manager at XYZ Corporation. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss our upcoming collaboration on the new marketing campaign.  
As you may know, we have been working closely with your team over the past few weeks, and I believe it would be beneficial for us to meet in person to go over the details and ensure that everything is on track for a successful launch. I am available next Monday at your convenience. Please let me know if there is a suitable time for you.  
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.  
Best regards,  
John Doe  
Project Manager  
XYZ Corporation  
Email: john.doe@xyzcorp.com  
Phone: (123) 456-7890  

