

主题行(Subject Line)

一个好的主题行应该简洁明了,能够让收件人一眼看出邮件的核心内容。例如:“Project Update: Q3 Report Submission”或者“Meeting Request for Project A Follow-up”。


根据收件人的职位和你们之间的关系来决定合适的称呼方式。如果是第一次联系或正式场合,建议使用“Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]”;如果比较熟悉,可以使用“Hello [First Name]”。


Dear Ms. Johnson,  

开头段落(Opening Paragraph)



I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jane Doe, and I am the marketing coordinator at XYZ Corporation. We recently met at the Global Marketing Conference in New York last month.  

主体内容(Body of the Email)



I am writing to follow up on our conversation regarding the potential collaboration between your company and ours on the upcoming digital campaign. After reviewing the proposal, I have a few questions that I would appreciate your insights on.  
Firstly, could you provide more details on the target audience demographics that you envision for this campaign? Additionally, it would be helpful to know if there are any specific platforms or channels you prefer for promotion.  
Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the budget allocated for this project to ensure our proposal aligns with your financial expectations. Your guidance on these matters will greatly assist us in tailoring our approach to meet your needs effectively.  

结尾段落(Closing Paragraph)



Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your feedback and am eager to discuss further how we can work together to achieve our goals. Please feel free to contact me directly at jane.doe@xyzcorporation.com or by phone at (123) 456-7890.  
Best regards,  
Jane Doe  
Marketing Coordinator, XYZ Corporation  

结束语与签名(Closing and Signature)

使用适当的结束语,如“Best regards”、“Sincerely”、“Cheers”等,并附上您的全名、职位和公司名称以及任何联系信息。


Best regards,  
Jane Doe  
Marketing Coordinator, XYZ Corporation  
jane.doe@xyzcorporation.com | (123) 456-7890 | @XYZCorp_Marketing  
