


  1. 抬头:包括收信人的姓名和地址。
  2. 日期:写信当天的日期。
  3. 称呼:通常是“Dear [收信人姓名],”。
  4. 开头段落:介绍你与被推荐者的关系,说明你为什么有资格写这封推荐信。
  5. 中间段落:详细描述被推荐者的能力和特点,提供具体例子支持你的评价。
  6. 结尾段落:总结你的推荐,表达你对被推荐者的信任和支持。
  7. 结束语:通常是“Sincerely,”或“Best regards,”等。
  8. 签名:亲笔签名或电子签名。
  9. 联系信息:提供你的联系方式以便进一步沟通。




Dear [收信人姓名],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [被推荐者全名] for [申请的学校/工作/奖学金名称]. As the [你的职位] at [你的单位名称], I have had the pleasure of working closely with [被推荐者全名] for [合作的时间长度], and can confidently say that they are an exceptional candidate for [目标职位/项目]。

During our time working together, [被推荐者全名] demonstrated outstanding [技能/特质], which has greatly contributed to [具体项目或任务]. For example, [提供一个或多个具体的例子来说明被推荐者的能力和成就]。These experiences clearly showcase [被推荐者全名]'s [相关能力或特质].

In addition to their professional skills, [被推荐者全名] is a person of high integrity and excellent character. They have consistently shown [个人品质或行为表现], making them not only a valuable team member but also a great asset to any organization.

I give [被推荐者全名] my highest recommendation. I am confident that they will bring the same level of dedication and excellence to [申请的学校/工作/奖学金名称] as they have here at [你的单位名称]. Please feel free to contact me at [你的电话号码] or [你的电子邮件地址] if you require any further information.


