- 信头(Letterhead):包括发件人的公司或个人名称、地址等基本信息。
- 日期(Date):写信的具体日期。
- 收件人信息(Recipient’s Information):收件人的姓名和地址。
- 称呼(Salutation):对收件人的尊称,如Dear [姓名], 或Dear Sir/Madam。
- 正文(Body):详细说明写信目的,表达合作意向。
- 结尾敬语(Closing):例如Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully等。
- 签名(Signature):发件人的手写签名或打印名字。
- 明确目的:在开头部分直接说明写信的目的,比如寻求商业合作机会或者提出共同举办活动的邀请。
- 背景介绍:简要介绍自己及所代表的组织,让对方了解你是谁以及为什么选择他们作为合作伙伴。
- 具体提议:清晰地阐述希望达成的合作内容,包括但不限于合作形式、预期成果等。
- 展示诚意:通过语言表达出真诚的态度,显示出对于未来合作充满期待之情。
- 请求回复:礼貌地请对方考虑这一建议,并给予反馈。
上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路88号 Tel: +86 21 6100 9898 Fax: +86 21 6100 9899 Email: info@example.com
October 10, 20XX
Ms. Jane Smith Marketing Director GlobalTech Ltd. 123 Silicon Valley Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
Dear Ms. Smith,
Subject: Proposal for Joint Marketing Campaign
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Li Ming, and I am the Marketing Manager at Shanghai Innovation Co., a leading technology firm based in China. We specialize in developing cutting-edge consumer electronics that enhance everyday life through smart innovations.
Recently, we have been exploring ways to expand our brand presence internationally and believe that partnering with esteemed companies such as GlobalTech could greatly benefit both parties involved. After thorough research, it became evident that your commitment to quality products aligns perfectly with our core values. Therefore, I would like to propose a collaborative marketing campaign aimed at introducing our latest product lineup to new markets while leveraging each other’s strengths.
Our team envisions an exciting project wherein we would co-host events, share resources, and create engaging content tailored towards our target audiences. This initiative not only promises increased visibility for both brands but also fosters cross-cultural understanding between our teams.
We are eager to discuss further details regarding this proposal and look forward to hearing your thoughts on whether this might be something of interest. Please feel free to reach out via email or phone should you require more information before making a decision. Thank you very much for considering our request; we truly appreciate any opportunity given to explore potential collaborations.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming Marketing Manager Shanghai Innovation Co.